Welcome to hjarpe.se android apps!
Try this app useful to find english rhyming words with!
Some android apps at hjarpe.se are here presented. See also some links useful to new indie app developers, (at page bottom).
Use this app on your android device whenever you need a rhyming english word. Lyric writers, and others searching for rhyming words, should find this app very useful.
An app that randomize words from an english dictionary into a peculiar sentence. This will happen each time you press the back button on your android device. Just for fun, or it may be useful for example to lyric writers, to get some inspiration to some really strange lyric. To make it really fun, just press the menu button on your device and choose ‘settings’ and try each of these sentence categories, (one at a time): “To your partner”, “At the pub”, “To your boss”, “In the animal world”, “At the old school”, “To the sad one”, “To the glad one”, “The King and the Queen”, “If you do this, then I do…”, “If I do this, then you do…”. Or check them all in the settings, then each press on the back button will randomize which category the next sentence will be from.
Download ConfusedSentences (268k)
Use this android app EasyDB to be able to create and manage sql databases on your mobile device. Advanced users may also run some own SQL commands on the databases. Easy to use.
Important note: All commands when using this app, are triggered from the “menu button” on your device. On some devices there’s no “menu button”. Then you should instead be able to use one of the buttons on your device as a “menu button”. For example: On some devices you just have to hold down, or just keep your finger on the “back button” a few seconds.
Some educational math apps:
Here you’ll find some different educational math apps to use on your android device, Use them to improve your skills in performing the basic arithmetical operations.
Maybe useful to new indie app developers: