Music and Lyrics


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This is my own in Sweden indie produced music, inspired by for example Norse and Celtic mythology, nature, love, sustainability, and influenced by for example rock, some “folk music”, pop & metal.

The songs are in english, and some in swedish. If you scroll below you can find all the lyrics to my songs. Songs with swedish lyrics are also presented with lyrics in english.

You can also here find some hopefully useful links to new indie musicians, and you can read some more here about for example vikings, Norse mythology and sustainability.

My Enchantress

Artist: RootOfYggdrasil

My Enchantress can have many interpretations. The interpretation is free. Anything that enchants or delights you can be your very enchantment. Our perception of the world or the different worlds and dimensions around us is limited by our senses, and how our brains choose to interpret and think about them. Our worldview is constructed by how we think about it. What is true and what is not true? There is certainly much more around us than we can perceive with our senses. It is not certain that death is the ultimate end for our souls. Our world is probably not the only one. Not even according to natural scientific laws. There are many dimensions to our reality.

The dream of a much better world than this. That’s one of my own enchantresses. A world without evil. A world without war. A world filled with love. A world where the greed of the rich no longer exists. A world where there is no longer any crime. A world with a functioning nature, functioning ecosystems, increased biodiversity.

The dream of a world with functioning education systems that have not collapsed due to pure greed, mainly caused by privatizations left entirely to the control of market forces, which in practice means no control and lack of transparency.

A dream of a world where rich business leaders and others are willing to pay taxes to get truly functioning public institutions and stop streamlining these to avoid paying taxes, which only in practice causes the public sector to function worse in all lack of resources.

The same rich people who, under false pretenses of freedom of choice, (which in practice only applies to a few), simultaneously allow and promote that enormous sums of tax money, (our money for example named as “skolpeng” in swedish, “= school fundings”), instead go to profits that make owners of large corporate groups into billionaires. Money that often leave the country and which in practice mostly benefit the richest few, and deplete public resources.

If this ‘development’ continues, one must either be an idiot or have very good personal connections with leading politicians to see a future in self-financing a long education, which is required for positions in healthcare, education, or social care. For example, choosing to become a teacher.

Privatizations and ‘efficiency measures’ have resulted in significantly lower salaries and less development opportunities for a majority within these professions.

The only things that matter to today’s politicians seem to be more tax cuts, more desired privatizations, fatter wallets for themselves, improved conditions for themselves, and in practice, deterioration for everyone else.

A system where the teacher’s main mission has been reduced to mainly provide the best possible service to their “customers”. Where knowledge has been diminished to having value only if it leads to employability and benefits a future employer. When instead, we should be promoting knowledge that helps individuals to grow in all aspects, and helps us solve the enormous problems we face regarding environmental degradation, the effects of climate change, and creating better-functioning societies characterized by true sustainability and more.

The dream of an equally functioning education system for everyone, that allows all individuals to grow and that breaks the ignorance that is spreading more and more, which we see today. The dream of an education system that no longer makes it easier and easier to manipulate more marginalized people who have barely learned to read and write as in today’s malfunctioning system. An education system that no longer only benefits the richest. A system that no longer allows independent schools to prevent transparency in their operations in various ways and that not allows them to give inflated grades to attract students as we see today.

The dream of a world that is instead characterized by honesty, knowledge, good morals, and a protection of environment and nature itself. The dream of a world without environmental destruction, without negative climate changes, a world where the primary focus is not continued increased growth. Instead, a world characterized by true sustainability. The dream of another much better world.

Sadly, the realization of this better world today seems more distant than ever. I hope though that this dream of a better world to be realized isn’t just an utopia in the meaning to be unrealistic in future.

The song My Enchantress is available here.

Twilight in the morning
Between sleep and awareness
Am I still dreaming?
Of you my enchanteresse?
Ah-a- ah

In a mist this world drifts
Oh so far away
Glimpse of another world
In the mist slowly appear
Ah-a- ah

Thoughts of you
Means I’m never alone
My soul is calmed by you
Even when we’re apart
We know we two are as one

Each branch divided into two
Oh so-oh
Each root divided likewise so
In two-o
The number of me and you
With worlds inside worlds

Twilight in the morning
Between sleep and awareness
Am I still dreaming?
Of you my enchanteresse?

Twilight in the morning
Between sleep and awareness
Am I still dreaming?
Of you my enchanteresse?

Why Are You Selling Out Our Land

Artist: RootOfYggdrasil

Here’s a song about true sustainability and not the fake sustainability that’s on the recent political agenda in Sweden and many other countries. The world really needs to take a very different route than this madness of continued limitless growth. Too few seems to care about future generations of humans and to care about the future generations of other biological species and their natural habitats on this planet in more long term view. Should all this irreversible land destruction be allowed to continue?

The song “Why Are You Selling Out Our Land” is available here.

User comments

Why are you selling out our land for cheap money
Why are you selling out our land for huge mining
You will destroy our land irreversibly
You seem to like to rip the crust of this earth
Oh and for what, just for short time profit
Oh just to make your own wallets fat

Polluting water supplies
So tired of all your lies
Get no forgiveness
If you start all this mess

This is inherited land
This must be remembered
From previous generations
To be inherited land to all the life
Living after you and me

Why are you selling out our land for cheap money?
Why are you selling out our land for huge mining?
To those that just will rip all off and then leave
And a polluted land will remain
For all the coming generations to live in
Tell me who gives you the right to do this?

This is inherited land
This must be remembered
From previous generations
To be inherited land to all the life
Living after you and me

You plan to use more and more nuclear power
It means you have no long-term view
You just pass on to future generations
All the problems you’re not willing to solve now
Why chose a direction very hard to regret?
When there’s sustainable alternatives

Polluting future supplies
So tired of all your lies
From grandchildren no forgiveness
If you continue this mess

Who gives you the right to sell out our ancestor’s land
Who gives you the right to sell out our children’s land
To destroy more crucial habitats
exterminate species in our land

You could instead lobby for another system
Using truer sustainability
Uniting countries to a new economic system
Promoting companies with clean activities
Disfavour companies polluting ecosystems
To stop this madness of continued limitless growth

Nuclear power is not safe and no sustainable source
And increased mining has no place in a truly sustainable world
Nuclear power is not safe and no sustainable source
And increased mining has no place in a truly sustainable world

Why are you selling out our land for cheap money
Why are you selling out our land for huge mining
You will destroy our land irreversibly
You seem to like to rip the crust of this earth
Oh and for what, just for short time profit
Oh just to make your own wallets fat

Vår kärlek den är huggen i sten

Artist: RootOfYggdrasil

The song “Vår kärlek den är huggen i sten” is available here.

Vår kärlek den är huggen i sten –

Första gången
En sommardag på denna ö
Jag mötte dig vackra sköldmö
Först fattade jag ingenting
Men nu är du min drottning
Världen är nu ej hård och kall
Efter att du fick mig på fall
Förlorad i din trolska blick
Åhh mitt hjärta sen dess du fick

Van hand hugger runor i sten
I vinternatt vid eldarnas sken
Runa vid runa bildar så ord
Meningsfullt först då stenen är gjord

Vår kärlek visas genom dessa runor
Bevarad inuti denna vår sten
Vår kärlek evig blir med dessa runor
Den flätas därmed in i framtiden

Vår kärlek den är huggen huggen i sten
Vår kärlek den är huggen huggen i sten
Vår kärlek den är huggen huggen i sten
Vår kärlek den är huggen huggen i sten
Vår kärlek den är huggen huggen i sten
Vår kärlek den är huggen huggen i sten
Vår kärlek den är huggen huggen i sten
Vår kärlek den är huggen huggen i sten

Oah ahhh aah aah
Ohh ahhh aaah ah ha ha

Vår kärlek den är huggen huggen i sten
Our love is carved in stone –

The first time
A summer’s day on this island
I met you, beautiful shieldmaiden
At first, I understood nothing
But now you are my queen
The world is no longer harsh and cold
After you made me fall
Lost in your enchanting gaze
Ohh my heart since then you have

Skilled hand carves runes in stone
In the winter night by the light of the fires
Rune by rune forms by this words
Meaningful first when the stone is made

Our love is shown through these runes
Preserved inside this our stone
Our love eternal becomes with these runes
It is thus woven into the future

Our love is carved carved in stone
Our love is carved carved in stone
Our love is carved carved in stone
Our love is carved carved in stone
Our love is carved carved in stone
Our love is carved carved in stone
Our love is carved carved in stone
Our love is carved carved in stone
Oah ahhh aah aah
Ohh ahhh aaah ah ha ha
Our love is carved carved in stone


Artist: RootOfYggdrasil

The song “Sejd” is available here.

Fallen skymning vid havets strand
Stjärnor lyser i vintergatans band
Eldar skiner i kall natts brand
Völvan sprungen ur Vanernas ätt
Sejdehjällen hon nu har beträtt
Huva sejdestav skinn av katt
Mäktiga siare vår värdefullaste skatt
Völva vad ska du få se?
Völva vad kan du oss ge?
Hennes blick mot himlen söker nu
Stjärnan som all himmel kretsar kring
Hjälper för att komma i lugn sans
Långsam andning äntligen i trans

Hon ser
Völva vad finns där att se?
Formar du det som ska ske?
Völvans vilda dans i ödesväv
Trådar skingras i nornors livstrådsväv
Hövding för vårt folk allt detta ser
Önskar ändra vad vår framtid ger
Mot oss
Så vår
Kan bli
Freja vad är det du ser? 
Ser du vad ödet oss ger?

Fallen twilight at the shore of the sea
Stars shining in the Milky Way’s stripe.
Fires ablaze in the cold night’s glare.

The Völva [1]sprung from the Vanir’s kin,
Sejdehjällen [2] beneath her feet begin.
Capuche staff skin of cat
Mighty seer, our most precious treasure.

Völva, what shall you perceive?
Völva, what can you achieve?

Her gaze now seeks the sky above
Finds the star around all heaven move.
It aids to find tranquility
Slow breaths at last bring her to a trance

She sees
The future
The web of fate
She tries
To shape

Völva, what is there to see?
Do you mold what is to be?

The Volva’s wild dance in the web of fate
Threads scatter in the Norns’ [3] life-thread-web.
Chieftain of our people, all this sees
Wishing to alter what our future decrees.

Against us
Be repelled

So our
Can be

Freya, what is it you see?
Do you perceive what fate bestows upon us?”

[1] Völva = In Norse mythology a seeress,
a female practitioner of sejd: In Scandinavian history a special kind of sorcery, magic,
divination and prophecy.
[2] Sejdehjällen = A ritual platform used for sejd.
[3] The three Norns = Are female deities in Norse
mythology who govern fate. They spin the
threads of fate at the root of the world tree
Yggdrasil. They represent time: The past,
the present time, and the future.

The song “korparna” is available here!

Vindar smeker

Svarta fjädrar
Som gnistrar i sol
Luftens strömmar
I vingarna leker
Allt där nere
Granskar vi två  

För vi är
Utsända av
Högre makt
Våran gud
Vi ser

De är ögon
Åt den enögde guden
Allt som sker
De två förstår
Alla ränker
Som gudarna smider
Gudar spelar
Med våra liv  

Vi ser
The winds caress
Black feathers
Sparkling in the sun
The currents of the air
Are playing in the wings
Everything down below
Scrutinizes we two  

Because we are
Sent by
A higher power

Our God

We see

They are eyes
To the one-eyed God

Everything that happens
They understand
All the intrigues
That the Gods forge
The Gods are playing
With our lives


We see


Artist: RootOfYggdrasil

The song “Nornorna” is available here.

Nornorna – RootOfYggdrasil
Nornorna vårdar ömt Yggdrasils rot
Tryggar så Midgårds fundament
Vid brunnen Urdar så spann en gång Urd
Början på den tråd som är ditt liv
Fingrar formar alltjämt ditt öde
Den tråd som ännu utgör ditt liv
Ja flinka fingrar formar ditt öde
Men när kommer då saxen fram?
Klipps tråden av ja då blir det din död
Det sker utan hänsyn till börd
Tre nornorna Urd, Verdandi och Skuld
De avgör vikings öde här hjälper ingen sköld
Tre nornorna Urd, Verdandi och Skuld
De avgör vikings öde och då hjälper
inte bästa sköld
Verdandi är nuet just nu då allt sker
(Vackrast av de tre)
Skuld den som framtiden ser
(Och är)
Tiden flyter
Tiden går
Tiden flyter
Tiden går
Nornorna spinner och avgör så öden
När livstråden klipps av Urd
då sker döden
Färdas du då till Asgårds rike?
Skålar du i Valhall med gudar som dess like?
Eller möter du den ende när livet du mist?
Fadern i himlen om du tror på Vite Krist?
Eller möter du ett mörker i en evighet
Vad som händer är det ingen nu levande som vet
Tre nornor vid världsträdets rot de är tiden
De vet när din sista stund är liden
The Norns – RootOfYggdrasil
The Norns tenderly nurture Yggdrasil’s root
By doing so Midgard’s foundation is secured
At Urd’s well, once Urd did weave
The start of the thread that’s your life
Fingers still shape your fate
The thread that still forms your destiny
Yes, nimble fingers shape your fate’s course
But when is the scissor brought out?
If the thread is cut, then it’s your end
It happens regardless of how prominent you are
Three Norns Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld
They decide the Viking’s fate, no shield’s any good
Three Norns Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld
They decide the Viking’s fate, and not even the best shield’s any good
Verdandi is the present, when everything happens
(The fairest of the three)
Skuld, she who foresees the future
(And is)
Time flows
Time goes
Time flows
Time goes
The Norns spin and decree our destinies
When Urd cuts the life-thread
death comes into view
Will you then journey to Asgard’s realm?
Raise a horn in Valhalla with the gods as your equals?
Or will you meet the One when life you have lost?
The Father in heaven, if you believe in the White Christ?
Or will you face darkness in eternal night?
What happens next, no living soul knows.
Three Norns at the root of the world tree they are the time
They know when your final moment occurs

About RootOfYggdrasil

In some spare time from my usual profession, l just like to, (in a humble way, try to), create some indie music. The process to create music is complex and involves, (among many other things), experiences from different ages of your own life. As individuals we are the sum of our history forced to handle and cope with the present time.

The stage name RootOfYggdrasil is taken from Norse mythology with the world tree Yggdrasil and the fact that my roots very far back in time (as far as I know), are from Scandinavia and more specifically from Sweden.

Very important to note is that my chosen stage name and my use of Norse mythology as a source of inspiration (among others), to make my own music and lyrics, absolutely has nothing to do with politics at all! The view of the world in Norse mythology with all the gods, other characters and all the stories about them is just very fascinating, and is also a part of our history.

As born in Sweden with kinsfolk living here many generations back in time, where the number of such generations are unknown, but probably, as it anyway seems in my case, goes far back in history. The Vikings with their Nordic mythology and later Christianity are examples of subjects that more or less have influenced Scandinavian culture and history.

The artist’s name is inspired by the ash tree Yggdrasil, the world tree in Norse mythology, and the way how the Vikings saw the world.

Scandinavian mythology

The widespread view of the Vikings as warriors ravaging and plundering foreign coastlands is a rather simplified view of them and probably not so true for most Vikings.

10 things you may not know about vikings

More recent studies, including genetic studies, reveals a rather great diversity among the Viking group. The description of them as a unified group of people is probably not so true. Some tribes were friend others where foe and different tribes sometimes fought against each other. Kinship or not among the different groups probably had a great significance.

When Christianity conquered over the more ancient Scandinavian religions and more ancient view of the world, we can’t exclude that there may have been some loss of former wisdom and knowledge unknown to us today. Probably there’s a parallel to Celtic mythology and Celtic religion, and the wisdom of druids, in ancient Great Britain.

Some creatures of Norse mythology

Legends of Celtic mythology

Celtic mythology

Related to all this and the best written version of the legend of king Arthur is Marion Zimmer Bradley’s – “The mist of Avalon”. A great book worth reading for itself.

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Christianity was the historical winner and accordingly there was a loss of great wisdom and knowledge in for example herb lore, and in how-to live-in harmony with nature. The ability to live in harmony with nature seems, (at least in practice and in a global view), rather lost today. Our history should be read more “open mindedly”. We today probably have a lot to learn from at least some parts of our history far back in time.

The way we live today in western and eastern countries, like we have more than one planet, and far from any harmony with nature, where money, increased consumption and an abnormal reliance in market forces that seems to be the only true “Gods”. Where individuals often seem to be measured only by how much money that person have, or how useful he or she may be for an employer or for some business, where little else seems to be of any real value. We also live in societies, even here in Scandinavia, where income gaps are allowed to be widened more and more, despite all the facts learned from history, that this will only lead to increased conflicts, instability and in the end to revolutions and wars.

Too many people today seem to reject the basic fact that whenever we avoid living in harmony with nature, it will strike back on us. The climate change, the rate of species extinction, and other recent negative effects on our environment should alarm us to take immediate actions to live in harmony with nature. We must never forget that we are only a depending part of a nature. We have no real future without a sustainable environment consisting of ecosystems in balance, with clean air to breathe, fresh water to drink, food free from poisonous substances and other essential natural resources gained in sustainable ways, which means that we always should avoid overexploitation. Future generations of our own specie and other species on our planet depend on actions taken by us today.

Maybe useful to new indie musicians and others: 

Music copyright guide for indie musicians (US)

Distrokid – One way to publish your own indie music


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Our Sun

Artist: RootOfYggdrasil

The song “Our Sun” is available here.

Standing on a mountain top
See how the clouds splits up
I raise my hands to praise the sun
The sun that make all life

Here my forefathers
Struggled since the beginning of time
For this land of Midgård
This branch of Yggdrasil

This land of Midgård
This branch of Yggdrasil

My eyes are set to the sea
Beyond the horizon
Imagining foreign lands
Seeking richness and glory

Facing our star
Praising the maker
Of life, light and wind in sails
The solace of our souls

Now praising our son
The natural born leader
All evil he fights
To shelter the weak

Praising our daughters
Both as great as our son
In problems and battle
They beat the greatest men

My queen is everything
The mother of them all
Without her
Everything will fall

Taking the ancient path
Down to the ships
To leave land and loved ones
For nearest months to come

With wind in our sails
Danger we seek
To reach foreign lands
And bring richness and glory

Standing on this mighty ship
Feel how she break the waves
I raise my hands to praise the sun
The sun that make all life


Artist: RootOfYggdrasil

The song “Regret” is available here.

Regret, once there was a world
Will it ever in our time recur?
Regret, the loss of a precious friend
Will our sorrow never ever end?

Memories of those we love
Will forever stay
Prayers up to above
Still you’re ripped away
Time’s still changing
But life will go on
Our love yet retrieved
Still is believed

Regret, the loss of a precious friend
Will our sorrow never ever end?

We’ll meet again
In some other space and time
Filled with joy and laughter
In some better world of mine
Time’s still changing
But life will go on
Our love yet retrieved
Still is believed

Regret, once there was a world
Will it ever in our time recur?

“Regret is a song about our changing world. And about love. It’s a try by small means, to capture the feeling of loss about a world that is no more. This feeling may appear when you grow older and when you think back on the past and your hopefully pleasant childhood. Then there’s a mixed feeling of joy, but also a feeling of great loss and sorrow. Many of the precious persons from our past, now only remains in our memories. Some of them still remains but you don’t see them so often because they have moved or live far away from you. Perhaps you’ve also lost some person really close. The world has gradually changed and is still changing, and suddenly, but you don’t remember the exact moment when it occured, an odd feeling of alienation to the world of today appear. Then moments occur when you really wish to have the old world back, and with all the people in it that once was, and everything in the same context as then. There’s also some childish hope that at least some glimpse of the past may recur. A great solace then is all the people close to us and still with us and near us: Children, loved ones, and yet remaining friends. They give some hope in the present and to the future, in all this feeling of loss.”


Only One Planet

Artist: RootOfYggdrasil

The song “Only One Planet” is available here.

You may have some fine carcanet
Fly around the globe like some rich rocket
Look down on earth from your high minaret
And be aware we only got one planet

To you this world may seem endless?
And poor folks should only blame themselves?
To you a clever human is some industrial celebrity?
But in our time there’s still no more planet

You should instead promote sustainability
And not just think on your own money
What legacy is given to next gen’s birth
If we destroy this one and only Earth?

Hey, when the pollution grow
You may think you just have to take some flight and go?
Forces in nature then sooner take us all
Rich or poor we will all fall

We have only one world
One world is all we have
Take good care of this world
This world is all we have
We have only this fine world
For us there is no other

Thoroughly look at the world from your high tower
In the end you’ll find it only seems you’re in power
We have only one planet and it’s called Earth
Will it ever see our next gen’s birth?

May our children also experience Gaia
Or will they end like the ancient Maya?
Can there be any future human welfare
When to many rich people don’t care?

Hey, when the pollution grow
You may think you just have to take some flight and go?
Hey, when the pollution grow
You may think you just have to take some flight and go?
Hey, when the pollution grow
You may think you just have to take some flight and go?
Can there be any future human welfare
When to many rich people don’t care?

“Only One Planet is a song about sustainability and the state of the world today that seems to be ruled mostly by money, overconsumption and a reliance in self-regulatory market forces. According to OECD in 2012 the top 5% of the richest people in the world held 71.6% of the world wealth. Among these the top 0.6% of the richest people held 39.3% of the world wealth.

The richer you are the easier it should be to think and act for the environment, sustainability and to save this planet to future generations. But is this the top priority for the richest people today, hardly not? But of course there are some exceptions.

Those that are really poor have to struggle all the time just to survive another day. They lack the means to even think about sustainability and environmental issues.

Shouldn’t mankind prove, that we can take care of this planet or will we continue to destroy it? What legacy is given to the next generation’s birth, if we destroy this one and only Earth?”
